Tuesday, March 31, 2009

EFA Chap. 1, 2, 5

One of the goals of EFA is to have universal primary education by 2015.  One of the first obstacles in the way of achieving universal primary education is to fix child mortality.  Although the rate is improving in many nations, there are about 10 million children who die before age 5 each year.  Many of the deaths are caused by child malnutrition that stems from poverty.  Even if children do not die from malnutrition, it still affects a child's mental capacity.
When I was growing up, child malnutrition was never on my mind or a pressing matter in my everyday life.  I did not realize that there were 10 million children around the world just like me who died because they were malnourished from poverty.  I believe that there should be more attention brought to this topic.  People should be shocked by these statistics and should not accept this as just another issue that people have to deal with.

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