Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gutek Chapter 7 to p. 122 and 9

In American Education in a Global Society, Gutek disscusses the development and evolution of high schools in the United States. The National Education Association's Committee of Ten decided that a high school education should be comprised of four subjects: classical, Latin-scientific, modern language, and English. At first, high school served as a secondary education that would come after primary school and before college. As the education system evolved, high school adapted to be for students between ages 14 and 18.
Originally, I thought that the education system in the United States grew from primary school to middle school followed by high school. I was not aware until I read this passage that originally there were six-year high schools without junior high or middle schools. Recently, I realized that not all public education systems throughout the country were like mine. I met a girl who would have gone to a six-year junior/senior high school if she was one year ahead in school. In her town, they just recently built a four-year middle school that she attended.

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