Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nigeria Chapter 18

Before reading Chapter 18, I was unaware that Nigeria was once a British colony.  Since this is true, their education system is set up very similarly to Britain's and, in turn, ours.  There is primary school from ages six to twelve followed by secondary education which is from ages twelve to eighteen.  Nigeria has also made many strides in higher education since their independence in 1960.  By the 1990's, there were 29 universities.
A major difference with education in Nigeria and education in the U.S. is that they have many Muslim Koranic schools.  The problem with these schools is that the teachers are not necessarily qualified, but they have a strong understanding of the Koran.  Also, many teachers in rural areas only have primary education, as well.

1 comment:

  1. Its interesting to see that teachers are not qualified for these positions outside of their knowledge of the Koran. I feel as though they must have a higher education in order to academically prepare the students; academic knowledge in more important in education than that of the Koran.
