Monday, April 6, 2009

Three Cups of Tea

Greg Mortensen’s story in Three Cups of Tea was truly inspirational. I impressed how someone who was a “nobody” and saw himself as a failure for not being able to climb K2 was still able to make such a difference. Although he himself was a bit intense, it took someone with his kind of passion to be able to do what he did. This was another tale of how one person can really make an impact. I liked how special attention was paid to improving education for girls, which he recognized as being particularly important. I was also floored by his determination despite all the dangers and obstacles he faced in this endeavor. Not only was Mortenson’s success story captivating, but (unlike Christina) I loved how the book itself was written and the glimpse the reader got into what the people and country of Afghanistan are really like. Most interesting to me were his descriptions of the students, people of the village,  Muslims, Taliban, etc. Personally when I think of Afghanistan and Pakistan I immediately associate them with Taliban, violence, terrorists etc. This book shed a new light on and emphasized the importance of education in these areas of the world. 

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