Wednesday, April 1, 2009

While the EFA goals are important in education, meeting these goals is vital in modifying and developing systems and institutions. As the article states, early childhood care in education is important, but what I find interesting is that they include early childhood education and care for all children. It is important to include the vulnerable and disadvantaged in any educational policy because students come from all different backgrounds and situations which impact their performance in school. Studies have shown that students with a stable household ultimately perform better than students from broken, conflicted homes. Overall, students from higher class backgrounds tend to perform at a higher level than those students whose families cannot afford the extra resources such as tutoring for their kids. These parents often lack a higher education themselves, so their child’s only resource is the classroom. While there is a gap in economic status, I feel as though the key to an improved educational system is eliminating the gap between the students’ performances in school. Through strategies such as these, the EFA can better reach their goal of providing equal and beneficial education for all.

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